In an earlier blog post we told you we would be featuring a series stories from customers that inspire us. These stories are from real people who embrace the True North Beauty lifestyle by having purpose, passion, and confidence, and are proud to say #IamTrueNorth.
Meet Brittney S. from Idaho! She completely embodies the True North Beauty spirit, mission, and philosophy so it was a natural fit that she is our first #IamTrueNorth feature of the year. We hope by sharing Brittney’s story that other women will feel inspired by her just like we have!
Hi Brittney! Last year you took a solo trip to Maine as a way of practicing self-care and to recharge. Why did you choose Maine, what makes Maine so special to you?
Nearly every summer (and some winters) for the last 12 years my husband and I have spent time in Maine, even deciding to get married there in 2007. From my very first visit, Maine is a place that has spoken to my soul. Last year we were lucky enough to spend our summer vacation in Europe, which sadly meant no Maine.
Why did you decide to go on a solo trip?
In October, after a particularly crazy couple of months of over-committing, I started ‘needing’ Maine. I talked to my husband about trying to go, even for a couple days to get my fix! After talking it over few a week or so, I decided that I was being selfish. I didn’t need to leave my husband, who works full time, to juggle his schedule and my daughters, while I take off gallivanting to Maine just because “I needed it.” I would certainly survive not going to Maine this year. Mom and wife guilt can be pretty powerful, limiting us to truly listen and care for ourselves!
Interesting that you bring up mom and wife guilt. That is a huge barrier for women to overcome so they feel ok with taking care of themselves. We always talk at TNB about how the best way to make sure you can care for others is to make sure you are taken care of as well. You can’t pour from an empty cup and that is great you recognized that and wanted to take action to take care of yourself!
Well, I am lucky to have the best husband in the world, because after opening my email I found confirmation of a flight to Maine! There may have been a tear or two, but I started packing. I left on Halloween and flew to Boston and then drove to NH to spend a little time with my in-laws. As much as I love my in-laws, this was a trip for me-time. Before leaving Idaho, I took a chance and scheduled a business meeting in the middle of Maine with a person that I have only spoken to on the phone. Now, this could have turned to the makings of a Steven King novel. Girl from Idaho goes to middle of Maine by herself in the cold, drizzly fall for a prospective business meeting with someone she has never met. Well, this story has a good ending for me. The meeting ultimately resulted in my new position with True North Beauty!
We are so glad you came and glad it didn't become a Stephen King novel! We love having you as part of our team! I remember talking with you and being blown away by your story. Your strength and confidence shined through and it was so inspiring to hear how you were taking the time to care for yourself and going outside of your comfort zone by taking this solo trip. We met early on in your trip, what did you do next? Did you have a plan for the rest of your trip?
Not really, it was like: In-law time, check. Business meeting, check. Now what? I have five days left, a suitcase, rental car, I’m still in the middle of Maine, and no hotel reservations. Well, this is the good-for-my-soul part. My day-to-day is scheduled and crazy and I wouldn’t change it, but this trip was about being unscheduled and carefree, except for my trusty sidekick, Siri. I drove to the next town, grabbed a bite to eat and picked a spot to spend the night. The next day I drove to Bar Harbor with plans of spending the night there, but no vacancies and pouring rain quickly changed that plan. I drove south to Camden, where I decided to stay for a few nights. This has always been my home away from home, and deserved a little extra time. This time though, I was on my schedule. I drove to nearby towns that I had never been to, took a ferry to an island, ate where I wanted, and watched what I wanted on cable television. Me time!
That is so great that you followed your purpose to achieve me-time and didn’t let the rain or lack of hotel rooms get you down! For many people, it can be so hard to motivate yourself and not let self-doubt creep in, second guess your choice, and miss the comforts of home when things aren’t playing out the way you expected and the weather isn’t cooperating. At any point did you have feelings of doubt or homesickness and how did you overcome those feelings?
I spoke with my husband and daughter every day, mostly to cure my mom/wife guilt. My husband is also a great daddy, and both he and my daughter were alive and well fed. Since he is wrapped around her finger, she loved having his undivided attention while I was away. But still, traveling by myself? Why would a mom and wife leave like that? There must be a problem. Quite the contrary though. My husband and I love to spend time with each other, especially traveling, but just as important, we have a love and confidence in our marriage and each other to know just how important a little me-time is. It’s important to me to show my daughter that even when you find your one, it’s important to still be you. As women we give so much of ourselves to everyone else. We have to take the time to recharge. Not only is it okay, it’s healthy and good!
You are setting such a good example for your daughter and being a strong role model for her. So many people don’t have the confidence to do what you did! She is very lucky that you recognize these principles and practice them. How did you feel when you got back and would you do it again?
I returned home recharged and full of love and gratitude! I know not everyone can just take off for a week and I am so grateful that I had that opportunity. I loved this trip by myself and someday, I’ll do it again. As much as I need some time for myself, I also love to make memories with my family, and we make some pretty great ones in Maine. After all, you can’t hold lobster races on the kitchen floor by yourself!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story! We hope it inspires other women to have the confidence to take a leap and trust themselves in the process. We can’t wait to hear about more of your adventures in the future and we are so thankful that your journey to Maine brought you to True North Beauty!
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