Finding our True North®

Trust in True North Beauty

Trust in True North Beauty

Trust has always been one of my most valued characteristics. I’m the type that trusts people up front and am thoughtful about ensuring that I'm engaging with others in a way that maintains their trust in me. I’m not perfect and people have varying options about me but I would be devastated if I knew that someone did not trust me - it would shake me to...

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Sharing our Beliefs

Sharing our Beliefs

Looking back, 2018 was a learning year for us. We tried some new things, got feedback from customers, and did a few things differently operationally. Moving forward we are treating 2019 as a growing year and really getting into our own groove as a company. As a small business we always aim to operate thoughtfully and deliberately so we can build on each year and...

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Hello 2019! Welcome to the New Year! Wow, has this past year flown by! So much has happened in 2018 with True North Beauty. I started working on it full-time, got married, expanded our team, officially named our signature scent, added Body Oil to the Be True Collection, introduced #MondayMantra, #TrueBeautyTuesday and our brand hashtags #DiscoverTrueNorth and #ConfidentNaturalBeauty, launched our UnScented Collection, partnered with ROX,...

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