Finding our True North®

Females Who Rock: Jamie Clark from The Willie Wags

Females Who Rock: Jamie Clark from The Willie Wags

For this week’s blog post we interviewed a local female entrepreneur, Jamie Clark, from Bangor, Maine. She started The Willie Wags as a box subscription business out of her basement in 2016 and has grown it to include a brick and mortar location that hosts workshops and an incredible website for online shopping. When we met with Jamie about carrying True North Beauty products in...

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Less is More!

Less is More!

I have always loved skincare and beauty products and was once a self-proclaimed skincare junkie!  I had products from nearly every luxury skincare line and was always looking to purchase the next new thing. I found myself jumping around from line to line and never really sticking with one, and feeling a little overwhelmed with all of the steps in my skincare routine. I had...

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Happy Birthday To Us!

Happy Birthday To Us!

Three years ago I started True North Beauty. I still remember the first day I sold True North Beauty products to the public and introduced my new company. It was at the Oct. 18, 2015 UMaine Homecoming Fair. It was such an exciting but stressful time! The labels and boxes were delivered the day before the fair and because they were my first run of boxes, they were not glued together....

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