Finding our True North®

True North Beauty... It's About the Women!

True North Beauty... It's About the Women!

I believe in celebrating women every day but International Women's Day gives us all a chance to not only look forward, but to also pause and reflect on what the women of past generations have done to pave the path that we walk on today. It reminds me that my generation's actions are paving the way for future generations, as my grandmother's and mother's generation did for mine.

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My Journey From a 9-5 to Full Time Entrepreneur!

My Journey From a 9-5 to Full Time Entrepreneur!

Recently I have decided to make the leap from working a full time 9-5 job to becoming a full time entrepreneur with True North Beauty.  Not many people were aware that this had happened but those that were always asked me the same question: "Why?"  Well, my short answer was that sometimes the Universe presents you with the opportunity you have asked for and you have to...

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Batch Your Way to Confidence

Batch Your Way to Confidence

Have you ever had people tell you “Wow, you’re SO busy! How do you even have time to sleep? You must be SO exhausted!” I used to think that being busy showed that I was a hard worker getting things done and I would take pride when people would say that to me. I would smile and agree that I was busy – and exhausted,...

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